Fixed blade knives have lost a popularity with the rise of economical folders for many reasons. Primarily, they are simply easier to carry and conceal. However, sometimes you just can’t beat a good fixed blade knife, even for everyday carry. In terms of prices, there are a lot of budget friendly fixed blade knives and here are our top 5.
Ka-Bar USMC – $90-$95

The Ka-Bar USMC is probably the most legendary fixed blade knife on the market. It certainly isn’t the cheapest on this list but everything about this knife is designed to make it dependable, durable, easy to carry and affordable. From the handle, which seems to be indestructible to the blade which is 1095 Crovansteel.
Morakniv Companion – $20-$25

You just can’t beat the quality of Swedish company, Morakniv, and their knives. The Companion is probably their best example of a quality knife, for a very very low price. The blade is 1095 carbon steel with a hardness of HRC58-60. The steel is 12c27 which is know for being corrosion resistant and being very durable. This is a knife that will not only last you a long time but you can depend on it with little maintenance.
Schrade Frontier SCHF36 – $50-$60

The Schrade Frontier SCHF36 comes with 1095 high carbon steel that is powder-coated which makes it very durable and useful. This is very much a bushcraft knife, it is good for all around survival and regular chores. The handle makes this knife, and you’ll find it fits your hand like a glove.
Cold Steel SRK SK5 – $80-$90

The SRK in the name of this knife stands for Survival Rescue Knife. You should also know that this knife is standard issue for U.S. Navy Seal team members going through BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/Seal) training. You’re getting a 4.75mm thick piece of steel for a blade which means it’ll handle a large variety of jobs without a sweat including carving, batoning and chopping. It is pricier than some of the other knives on this list, but it is still very budget friendly compared to others and worth the extra dollars.
Morakniv Bushcraft – $45-$55

If you’ve read the list up to this point you’ll already know how great Morakniv knives are. The Morakniv Bushcraft is only lower on this list than the Companion because of the price point (it’s double the price). However, if you’re a bit of a bigger blade, and a knife that is more designed as a survival tool and knife all in one than this is your knife.
Check them out and if you end up purchasing one of these let us know in the comments below! If we missed a fixed blade that you believe should be on this, also let us know below!