For any officer in law enforcement, your duty pistol is your most important piece of gear you carry. This is interesting because you’re not going to be shooting it every day (hopefully) but if you’re drawing your duty gun, shit has hit the fan and you need to work. Of course, there is more to a great pistol being a great duty pistol such as the stopping power, accuracy, and ergonomics. Here are my best duty pistols for law enforcement.
Glock G17

I’m biased here as this is what I personally carry as my duty pistol. Glock has proven time and time again that their pistols show up to work and put in the work without issue. The G17 is no different and is designed with reliability in mind. The G17 requires only a small amount of maintenance to remain almost perfectly reliable. It’s an easy gun to handle and its incredibly accurate. The G17 has a magazine capacity of 17 rounds but the aftermarket world for this gun is huge so you can easily find higher round capacities. If you don’t want to take my word for it just check across every police department in America as you’ll find a Glock G17 or a variant like it there.
Sig Sauer P226

SIG make some amazing guns and they gained a lot of fame with the P226 which was an upgrade over the P220. The Sig Sauer P226 was a pistol specifically made for military officers but has largely been used by police as well. This gun means business and carries a 15 round magazine capacity and is ambidextrous so both left- and right-handed shooters won’t have problems. The Sig Saucer P226 also features an extended barrel which provided extra accuracy. If you don’t think the Sig Sauer P226 is worthy of its appearance here, well you should know it’s currently in operational use by the FBI, Navy SEALS, and the US Coast Guard.
Smith & Wesson M&P 9

Smith & Wesson makes some great guns and as an American company they have been doing so since 1852. Smith & Wesson have an entire “Military & Police” (or M&P) line of gear and of course guns. One of these is the Smith & Wesson M&P 9 which is a pistol specifically made for duty carry for law enforcement and military. The M&P 9 easily accommodates left-handed shooters with ambidextrous controls and other customizable options. It has a Picatinny rail right under the muzzle that allows officer install all types of accessories from laser sights to flashlights. If you have any more doubts about it, the M&P 9 is the gun the entire LAPD switched to, so that’s got to mean something.
Heckler & Koch P2000

Heckler & Koch is a famed German manufacturer of guns and so when the German police services needed a gun they went right to them. As a result, the Heckler & Koch P2000 was born. It is an ambidextrous pistol that has an excellent grip. The P2000 is easily adjustable from the grip to accessories depending on what you need which makes it a great fit for a duty pistol. It features a recoil-reduction system which makes it an easy shooter and it’s very accurate.
Walther PDP

The Walther Performance Duty Pistol, aka the PDP, is a bit of a less known gun on this list. The Walther PDP is the replacement for the Walther PPQ and it is a large improvement as of 2021. Walther basically introduced the PDP to try to win the US Army contract for pistols, which went to Sig Sauer, but doesn’t mean it isn’t a good or even better gun. The ergonomics on the PDP are some of the best out of the list and you can tell Walther designed this gun to have an excellent first and final grip every time. It is highly accurate and easy to shoot. Reliability looks good but as it’s a newer gun only time will tell.
Stay safe!