In our fast-paced lives, being prepared for the unexpected is a virtue that can make a significant difference. Whether it’s a sudden power outage, a nighttime walk, or an unforeseen outdoor adventure, having the right tools at hand can mean the contrast between being in control and feeling vulnerable. One such tool that often goes overlooked but holds immense significance is the humble flashlight.

I often tell people, a flashlight is only second to a good knife when considering your everyday carry kit. It’s a great tool that serves many purposes other than just a light, and while today’s market allows you to buy super compact flashlights that can produced several hundred lumens in light there are some other things to consider. If you want a true EDC flashlight, consider some of the “tactical style” lights.


Obviously, the point of a flashlight is to provide light and “light the way”. A good flashlight will allow you to see where you’re going and avoid hazards.


If you get a light that has a sharp tip on one end or is made of harder materials, you can use it as a weapon to defend yourself. You can also use the tip to break glass such as the windows of a vehicle in case of an emergency.


There is a reason why motion sensor lights are big sellers for homeowners. Common thieves get spooked by the light and will run, deterring them from whatever crime there were going to commit. If you find yourself in the dark with an unknown subject, shining some light can let them know you see them and it will deter them from carrying on.

If you need help choosing a light, check out our reviews or flashlight guides!

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By Smooth

A current LEO with close to 10 years of experience in a variety of units including patrol, drugs, and SWAT.