This might be the cheapest knife I’ve ever purchased that I actually use! While Huntshield might not be a household name, it’s starting to pick up some steam as an economical brand. Specifically, the company started out life as a Canadian Tire brand which offered knives, outdoor clothing and equipment. Huntshield has carried on life as a Canadian Tire brand but has since been offered through other outlets, such as hunting stores and other 3rd party sellers. Most of the products are focused on entry level gear, so often the expectation is not much.
Anyway, while browsing online I saw that Canadian Tire was blowing out these knives for $7.93 (Canadian dollars for our American friends). That’s dirt cheap, considering Canadian Tire markets this as a $35 knife, but is it any good?
The specifications
Blade material: 440 stainless steel
Blade thickness: 3.0mm
Blade type: Drop point
Blade length: 3.2 inches
Closed length: 4.5 inches
Handle material: Black G10
According to the product specifications this blade is made from 440 stainless steel but doesn’t elaborate further, whether we are talking about 440A, 440B or 440C steel. I am going to go ahead and assume this is either 440A or 440B steel, which is obviously on the cheaper steel scale. Both of these steels have a lower carbon content, which makes them softer. This is nice because the knife blade can be easily sharpened, which is handy because I noticed the Thompson EDC knife did not come very sharp. Both steels are rust resistant which is another plus! However, the downside is 440A and 440B steel are not very wear resistant.

After sharpening the knife I decided to give it a test run. The Thompson EDC knife is a drop point style knife, which are my favourite and I find this design to be very EDC friendly. The blade measures 3.2 inches in length. The knife fits nicely in my hand, although it does not open easily. I did loosen the screw a bit which made this a tremendously better knife. Once opened, the ergonomics of the Thompson EDC are still excellent. I can hold it easily and find the grip during a cutting motion to be great. The black G10 handle material is durable and seen on many higher end folders as well. Once sharpened, the blade was good, as expected from any 440 steel knife. I had no issues doing regular day to day work with it and even cut smaller pieces of wood without issue. The blade did not wear terribly, and nothing cracked.

The verdict? Well, normally I wouldn’t be too pleased with a knife that had to have some tinkering and sharpening right out of the box. To be honest, having to sharpen a brand new knife is a pet peeve of mine. But when you consider Huntshield is now offering this as a sub $10 knife, you can’t help but grab it. I think even at a $20-25 knife it’s performance per dollar is still excellent. You can find the deal here, hopefully it’s still active. I give this knife a 7/10, and a thumbs up for anyone needing a throwaway EDC knife that can serve many purposes.