If you’re an avid shooter you’ll have noticed there has been an ammo shortage since last summer. Not only has this caused supply issues but ammo prices are on the increase. The explanation in the summer was there were shipping delays due to the pandemic, but how are we still experiencing it in 2021?
Well, we are still experiencing the effects of the pandemic. Ammo manufacturers are still sending out backfilled orders which is preventing them from stocking shelves. The shipping issues have been mostly sorted out with companies up to date on new procedures and requirements in shipping during this pandemic. However, the with outbreaks have come temporary closures of factories which has prevented them from producing. Manufacturers are going through extreme lengths to try to keep things in place but it is a struggle with the unpredictability of outbreaks.
There is also the huge increase in demand for ammo. The National Shooting Sports Foundation has reported 6.2 million new gun owners in 2020. With so many new shooters purchasing guns, they are also purchasing the ammo for them. The upswing in new gun ownership is partially due to the pandemic with some new shooters looking for hobbies they can pursue while in lockdown, while others are looking for additional security with the uncertainty the pandemic has brought.
The other reason we have seen so many new gun owners is because 2020 has been a year of civil unrest. There were massive protests brought on by the George Floyd death which resulted not only in civilians looking to arm themselves for protection but also businesses both security and non security related getting more guns to protect business. 2020 was also closed out with a presidential scandal which caused a new set of protests and more civil unrest. While things are calming down so far, I don’t see demand for ammo or guns for that matter slowing down. I predict it will be 3-6 more months before we see ammo supply levels level out so in the mean time, keep your eyes out for deals online and consider reloading.