Peerless Handcuff Company has been around since 1914 and in that 100+ years they have innovated the restraints world. They were one of the first companies to produce what is now known as the traditional handcuff, a swing through self-locking system and they have dominated the industry since.
Anyways, enough of the history let’s talk about the model 701C handcuffs which Peerless is known for! They are available in several finishes including nickel, penetrate, blue, red, pink, orange and yellow. The 701C utilize the self-locking design and are chain link handcuff. This is especially handy in scenarios if you are law enforcement or security as it is a secure design that makes it easy to handle the subject. Peerless also manufactures everything in the USA.
The lock on the 701C is a heavy duty locking system that will still take the standard key but is not as easy to pick and the moving parts are not prone to breaking like on other cuffs. Which is probably the best part of the 701C, you can literally feel the build quality as it’s a heavier cuff than others. There is no looseness or rattling, even after years of use.
I’ve used the same pair for close to 10 years and have other coworkers who have used theirs for 30 years without issue. They might be a bit more expensive than some of the other cuffs, but you’ll get your moneys worth out of these. If they do break, there is a lifetime warranty on them and Peerless is a great company to deal with.
Score: 10/10