Hunting season is well upon us and this year has been more popular than ever before with a resurgence partially due to COVID-19 finally calming down. More people getting outdoors as an activity and also other people diving deeper into the prepper lifestyle. There has also been an increase in gun ownership and this has also driven up the interest in hunting, by gun of course.
But whatever the case may be, there are some essential items you should have with. Now there are of course certain essentials that are more applicable to the type of hunting you are going to be doing, but this list will encompass 5 items for any basic hunt.
1. Task-specific Field Dressing Knife

If you are hunting, you will probably need to dress something in the field. Do yourself a favour and get a specific knife for field-dressing. It would be wise to get one with different task specific blades that are of a good steel, like 440C, and will hold up to the job. I just picked up a Randy Newberg EBS, built by Gerber, which you can find here.
2. Reliable Fixed Blade Knife

Always have a fixed blade knife with you if you are going to be in the bush. Honestly it’s the most important tool you can carry and it’ll get you out of many situations. There is a reason why you will hear of people saying, just drop me off in the bush with a knife all I’ll survive! I swear by my Ka-Bar USMC, which you can find here.
3. Versatile Multi-Tool

Multi-tools are so underrated. I use mine for everything, especially when I’m going on a hunt where I’ll be isolated and might need a myriad of tools within arm’s reach. I personally swear by my Leatherman Wave Plus, which you can find here.
4. Lightweight Eating Utensil

Notice how I said lightweight and utensil, not utensils? I’ve been on hunts where guys carry an entire kit of utensils which is completely unnecessary. It also takes up important room for other things you might need with you. I personally carry my Ka-Bar Tactical Spork, which you can find here.
5. Machete

When you’re hunting you’re more than likely going to be off the trail, and right into the brush. Sometimes, it can be difficult to maneuver or you might be moving quick and needing to get through it quicker. I can think of no better tool than a Machete. You do have to go for a massive one either, just something that is sharp and solid. I love my Gerber Broadcut Machete, which you can find here.
Happy hunting!